Monday 13 January 2014

Description on a picture from Atonement

   Through this picture, I have some idea about the costume of the movie included the period of time, the background and the class of the people.

  In this picture, we can realizes that this place held in England, because at the back of the picture, there was a old lady wearing a hat with British style, and fury coat that are European people would wear.Beside, the period of time is about 1930s, it was because the man at the front of picture was dressing like an army, he was in brown uniform and gel his hair neatly, which signifies that he was working for a department which need good behavior. Thus the period which appears armies was the world war. Moreover, the women at the front was wearing blue shirt with a pin on her shirt, which represented that she was a nurse, a nurse appeared in a war area means that women have their status and can have their job, so I guess the picture happened in World War II. The man and woman at the front were not very rich because they need to work, so I think they are lower class with a proper job.

  The setting of this picture was in a restaurant, there are tables and chairs everywhere, and a menu on the table.The career of the man and women in the front are the nurse and the army, they are sitting not in close position, they are sitting in quite a distance, so I think there are conflicts in their relationship. The facial expression of the women was very sad and depressed, and the man didn't have any facial expression, his face was very tense. He was looking down at the table, don't want to have any eye contact with the woman. Moreover, the action between them also tell that they are in a very sad mood, the woman was holding the man's hand, but the man didn't give her response, therefore I think the women feel sorry, and want to apologize, but the boy didn't accept her apology, both of them are in a very stressful situation.

  I think this movie was in the background of war, there may be about a love story in the war, but some dispirited feeling inside.

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