Saturday 25 January 2014

Cinematography: Raging Bull

Walking to the Ring

  • Eye level camera, we can see him at the same level
  • It was using selective focus, the background of the people are out of focus, only Robert is in focus, because he is the main character, audience can pay whole attention on him.
  • The effects are tracking and steady cam. The camera is following the man walking along the corridor, and pass by the other actors, using the angle of Robert. 
  • Steady cam was used while the cameraman held the camera in a stable position, he didn't shak his hand, the whole picture was very fluid.
Entrance to the ring
  • Wide angle, show the relationship between the space and the audience of the boxing match, let the audience know the size of that area, and show the hugh amout of people were watching this match.
  • Using the telephoto shot to get closer, make the people getting flatten, showing shallow depth of the ring and separate Robert from the background.
  • The panning is used from the audience to the ring, can show the whole situation of the match, every action and movement of the match.
  • The effect of close up and medium close up shots are make audiences concentrate on the important part, emphasis the signification. Medium close up was from the face the his chest, and close up was focusing on his face.
The Fight

  • It is using the high level as the camera angel at the beginning of the battle, which show the action of the two boxer.
  • The low level was showing the facial expression of the boxer, low shot under the face of two boxer, they were very powerful and all the muscles are tense. 
  • Besides,  the low level was used at the middle of the fight, because the director wanted to show the facial expression, they are both very nervous and tense.
  • The director was using the handhold, it was edgy, tense and immediate.
End of the fight

  • The canted angle is used after the fight, it is following the flow of the water and slanted to one side, it was a dramatic effect and can show an desperate feeling of the competitor. 
  • The slow motion is used in the water movement and the facial expression of the boxer, the director wanted to have a tense atmosphere, and exaggerated the nervous and tired of the boxer, can show their feeling through the slow motion, audiences were like paced in the battle.

  • The tilt shot is used from the metal belt to Robert's facial expression, from down to up.
  • It is a representation of winning the battle, the mental is a significant sign, using a sign to present the finish of the match and winner.
  • The camera angle is low angel, makes Robert become taller and stronger in this angle, thus Robert become more powerful and at the top of the world, like he won the world, a very significant representation of the movie.

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